Modern packet networks are highly complex and ever-evolving objects.  Understanding, developing and managing such environment is difficult and expensive in practice. Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) has always been seen as a key methodology to understand telecommunication technology and operation, and the complexity of the Internet has attracted many researchers to face traffic measurements since the pioneering times. This Action will coordinate both Research Groups and Network Operators active in the field of TMA, promoting the development of novel techniques and focusing the research efforts towards commonly recognized problems, thus driving the research towards real-world applications. It will foster the adoption of common monitoring tools and analysis platforms, so as to catalyze the emergence of a European de-facto standard for traffic monitoring, ultimately increasing the impact of European research in the field.

Funding Agency: European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST)
Duration: 01/03/2008-28/02/2011



ARGUGRID aims at providing a new model for programming the Grid at a semantic, knowledge-based level of abstraction through the use of argumentative agent technology. Within this model, this technology is used to provide the reasoning and decision making processes required to facilitate the dynamic composition of Grid resources and services into executable workflows. ARGUGRID makes two novel contributions to grid computing. The first relates to the definition of the overall architecture for interfacing service-oriented workflows with agent technology. The second is developing a grid-based platform enabling the formation of virtual organization for the communication and interaction of agents. ARGUGRID aims at making an impact upon the Grid research area via the new model, architecture and platform. It also aims at impacting business and business practices, by empowering Grid-enabled business application where multiple service providers and requesters exist.

Funding Agency: Information Society Technologies, EU, Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
Duration: 01/06/2006-31/05/2009

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