
This project investigates the feasibility and implementation of Delay Tolerant networking paradigm for end-to-end space-to-ground reliable communications. In particular we attempt to address the end-to-end implementation details: from the Simulated Space Component to the Ground Segment and vice-versa which will be enhanced with appropriate encapsulation, decapsulation, routing and bundle dissemination strategy. The results of this project will be (i) a DTN-based ground segment consisting of heterogeneous hardware devices having different capabilities (ii) an ION-based Flight Simulated Component for the end-to-end validation of DTN space, (iii) An ION-based router both as a hardware component and software that will be deployed in the ground segment of The European Space Operations Centre (ESOC). 

Funding Agency: European Space Agency (ESA) – Ελληνική Αεροπορική Βιομηχανία
Duration: 01/11/2012-31/05/2014



SAViNE aims at establishing, assessing, evolving and prototyping a novel Social-aware Virtual Network Embedding framework for realizing a large-scale Wireless Content Delivery Network (CDN) scenario. Specifically, the proposed experiment explores how social-aware virtual network embedding can be adopted and enhanced for fostering wireless content delivery within the evolving Cloud environment. To achieve that, SAViNE envisions the advanced use and experimentation of FIRE infrastructures and in particular OpenLab that offers an open, general purpose, large scale experimental facility providing advances to the early and successful prototypes serving the demands of Future Internet Research and Experimentation. The evaluation of the efficiency of the proposed solution and prototype will be based on: i) CDN performance, ii) metrics related to the wireless medium, iii) efficiency of the proposed embedding approach and iv) social aware related metrics, providing a fruitful feedback on the use of the infrastructures to the OpenLab community. 

Funding Agency: Information Society Technologies, EU, Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
Duration: 01/06/2012-31/05/2013



Fed4FIRE will deliver open and easily accessible facilities to the FIRE experimentation communities, which focus on fixed and wireless infrastructures, services and applications, and combinations thereof. The project will develop a demand-driven common federation framework, based on an open architecture and specification. This framework will provide simple, efficient, and cost effective experimental processes built around experimenters’ and facility owners’ requirements. Tools and services supporting dynamic federated identities, access control, and SLA management will increase the trustworthiness of the federation and its facilities. A FIRE portal will offer brokering, user access management and measurements. The project will use open calls to support innovative experiments from academia and industry and to adapt additional experimentation facilities for compliance with Fed4FIRE specifications.

Funding Agency: Information Society Technologies, EU, Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
Duration: 01/10/2012-30/09/2016

Fan-of-Num v2


The heterogeneity and complexity of future networks call for a solid framework that allows the treatment of network/node features/limitations, resources and Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms in a uniform and efficient way. To achieve such goal, FAN-of-NUM aims at a common network engineering formalism (“mathematical language”), based on advanced network utility maximization (NUM) theory, for building modularized and distributed network control, and suitable resource allocation mechanisms. The proposed framework will define principles and methodologies for designing proper utilities (i.e. by reflecting various network goals, different type of resources, etc.), setting the corresponding NUMs and solving them. NUM theory will serve as a modeling tool to study and devise network architectural alternatives and principles through decomposition theory. We will exploit and create unified and advanced NUM approaches to address various network problems, study stochastic stability in NUM and examine NUM application in large scale networks. The potential outcomes will be investigated on several key areas, including autonomic integrated architectures over heterogeneous multi-service networks and network-/user-centric oriented tradeoffs. 

Funding Agency: Γενική Γραμματεία Έρευνας και Τεχνολογίας – ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΑ
Duration: 01/09/2012-30/09/2015



QUEENS (Dynamic Quality User Experience ENabling Mobile Multimedia Services) aims at exploiting and leveraging on the benefits and flexibility provided by a novel dynamic real-time QoE provisioning framework in order to assess and establish a new era of user-centric mobile multimedia applications. To achieve that, QUEENS envisions the advanced use and experimentation of FIRE infrastructures and in particular TEFIS, that provides a unique integrated platform for supporting efficient Future Internet service experiment and development, involving different actors and heterogeneous testbeds. Among the key features of the proposed framework is the joint consideration of user-centric QoE preferences and network-centric mechanisms to enable a novel cross-layering approach that allows the operation optimization and the resource utilization maximization of: a) mobile application’s server and b) underlying wireless network radio resource management processes. This allows to realize content-aware networking and enhanced media delivery, and more importantly brings the benefits and principles of flexibility, autonomicity and effectiveness closer to the end-user. 

Funding Agency: Information Society Technologies, EU, Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
Duration: 01/12/2011-28/02/2013



NOVI research concentrates on efficient approaches to compose virtualized e-Infrastructures towards a holistic Future Internet (FI) cloud service. Resources belonging to various levels, i.e. networking, storage and processing are in principle managed by separate yet interworking providers. NOVI will concentrate on methods, information systems and algorithms that will enable users with composite isolated slices, baskets of resources and services provided by federated infrastructures. NOVI will investigate federation at the data, control, monitoring and Provisioning Planes of constituent FI infrastructures. Within this context, NOVI will propose and test resource description data models and abstraction algorithms, incorporating semantic Web concepts. Predictable and accountable service delivery will be further addressed by investigating monitoring and resource brokerage methods in multi-domain virtualized infrastructures. Secure, authenticated access is a key requirement for a service cloud. NOVI will assess mature options of federated AAI schemas as they pertain to multi-domain FI environments.

Funding Agency: Information Society Technologies, EU, Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
Duration: 01/09/2010-28/02/2013



The EFIPSANS project aims at exposing the features in IP version six protocols that can be exploited or extended for the purposes of designing or building autonomic networks and services. What this means is, a study of the emerging research areas that target desirable user behaviours, terminal behaviours, service mobility, e-mobility, context-aware communications, self-ware, autonomic communication/computing/networking will be carried out, and out of these areas desirable autonomic(self-*) behaviours in diverse environments e.g. end systems, access networks, wireless versus fixed network environments will be captured and specified. Appropriate IPv6 protocol or architectural extensions that enable the implementation of the captured desirable autonomic behaviours will be sought and specified. A selected set of the specified autonomic behaviours will be implemented and demonstrated. Also, technical reports on the concrete IPv6 feature combination scenarios including any new extensions used to implement the selected set of autonomic behaviours will be presented.

Funding Agency: Horizon2020
Duration: 01/01/2008-31/03/2011 



Modern packet networks are highly complex and ever-evolving objects.  Understanding, developing and managing such environment is difficult and expensive in practice. Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) has always been seen as a key methodology to understand telecommunication technology and operation, and the complexity of the Internet has attracted many researchers to face traffic measurements since the pioneering times. This Action will coordinate both Research Groups and Network Operators active in the field of TMA, promoting the development of novel techniques and focusing the research efforts towards commonly recognized problems, thus driving the research towards real-world applications. It will foster the adoption of common monitoring tools and analysis platforms, so as to catalyze the emergence of a European de-facto standard for traffic monitoring, ultimately increasing the impact of European research in the field.

Funding Agency: European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST)
Duration: 01/03/2008-28/02/2011



ARGUGRID aims at providing a new model for programming the Grid at a semantic, knowledge-based level of abstraction through the use of argumentative agent technology. Within this model, this technology is used to provide the reasoning and decision making processes required to facilitate the dynamic composition of Grid resources and services into executable workflows. ARGUGRID makes two novel contributions to grid computing. The first relates to the definition of the overall architecture for interfacing service-oriented workflows with agent technology. The second is developing a grid-based platform enabling the formation of virtual organization for the communication and interaction of agents. ARGUGRID aims at making an impact upon the Grid research area via the new model, architecture and platform. It also aims at impacting business and business practices, by empowering Grid-enabled business application where multiple service providers and requesters exist.

Funding Agency: Information Society Technologies, EU, Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
Duration: 01/06/2006-31/05/2009

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