This project investigates the feasibility and implementation of Delay Tolerant networking paradigm for end-to-end space-to-ground reliable communications. In particular we attempt to address the end-to-end implementation details: from the Simulated Space Component to the Ground Segment and vice-versa which will be enhanced with appropriate encapsulation, decapsulation, routing and bundle dissemination strategy. The results of this project will be (i) a DTN-based ground segment consisting of heterogeneous hardware devices having different capabilities (ii) an ION-based Flight Simulated Component for the end-to-end validation of DTN space, (iii) An ION-based router both as a hardware component and software that will be deployed in the ground segment of The European Space Operations Centre (ESOC).
Funding Agency: European Space Agency (ESA) – Ελληνική Αεροπορική Βιομηχανία
Duration: 01/11/2012-31/05/2014